5 frame nuc in a re-usable plastic nuc box (may change based on availability) (yours to keep). Deep frames only. Most frames are wood with black plastic foundation. Pick up availability will be in the order that we receive payment and will be approximately late April or early May. All orders must be paid in full to reserve your spot. Shipping not available, all nucs must be picked up at our store. Nucs will have 2025 produced queens, 5 frames containing brood, honey, pollen, and space for them to draw comb.
All queens are found and verified before releasing nucs to customers. Queen marking is not available. Queens may be Italian, Carniolan, or a mix as we run all types. All queens are open mated. Queens are guaranteed to lay. We will replace queens that fail if notified in a timely manner after pickup. We will not replace queens after one month in your possession. All queen replacements are at our discretion. You will be asked questions about her laying pattern, timing of trouble, and your actions in the hive. Please monitor queens closely for several weeks after taking your nuc home.
Customers are notified by email when we are ready to schedule pickup. If we don’t get a response to the email we will make one phone call. A message will be left if voice mail is available. No response will move you to the bottom of the list. We will send update emails starting in the spring to keep you up to date on our progress and how the weather is affecting us. Please make sure the email you give us is one that you will see.
No refunds will be issued for nucs.
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